What triggers the notification?
A healthcare provider clicking the afas icon and initiating the notification sequence.
Is this solution HIPAA compliant?
Yes. The messages provided by afas are compliant with HIPAA regulations.
Is the notification going to a personal device? How can it be HIPAA compliant if that is the case?
Yes. afas notifies the designated recipient by using their listed phone number and offering them a call-back number for further information. This notification is nonspecific and only alerts the family member that a healthcare provider is trying to reach them.
Is afas easy to install?
Yes. afas User and Installation Guide provide step-by-step instructions on how to install and operate afas. We work directly with the Chief Technology Officer(s) and provide in-person assistance during the initial installation and execution of afas.
Does JTS provide an afas Helpdesk?
Yes. The helpdesk can be reached at 1-877-718-2327 or at afashelpdesk@jtsi.net
Can someone opt-out of afas?
Yes. A patient may opt out at any time.
Can a provider cancel a notification?
Yes. A provider can cancel a notification sequence only immediately after pressing the button. After the notification cycle begins, the only way it will terminate is with a call back or at the end of one hour.
Is this going to create more work for healthcare providers?
No. On the contrary, afas was built to reduce administrative workload and alleviate some of the burdens placed on providers.
Does afas store any patient data?
No. afas is a read-only application.
Why afas?
In sharing our personal experiences with others, we realized we all had the same story of disconnect when leaving a loved one in the hospital. An innovative communication idea needed to happen. JTS went to work, funded, and developed afas to improve healthcare communication. When we started this project, little did we know afas would evolve to be a three-point solution benefiting hospitals, providers, patients, and their families.
afas was created with one mission in mind, to bring peace of mind to patients and their family members through improved communication. Our vision for the future is to close the communication gaps between patients, family members, and providers to continue enhancing
patient care.
Provides communication, accountability, traceability and transparency
For further inquiries, please contact tania.garavito@jtsi.net